måndag 29 december 2008

Baltic Bioarchaeology Meeting 2009

För alla osteologer där ute i vintermörkret vill jag rikta ett strålkastarljus på en kommande konferens i bioarkeologi och forensisk antropologi - vad vi troligen skulle kalla humanosteologi. Evenemanget går av stapeln i Litauen i augusti, men deadline för föredragsförslag är den 31:a januari. Så gnugga geniknölarna och fundera ut vilka fonder ni kan vittja. Deltagarantalet verkar begränsat, så fundera gärna lite extra noga på vad ni tror att ni kan ha att bidra med.

Originalinformation nedan:

Dear Colleague,
During the 16th Congress of the European Anthropological Association in Odense (August 2008), the idea was raised for more regular meetings of bioarchaeologists working in the peri-Baltic area. Thus it is my great pleasure to invite you to the first Baltic Bioarchaeology Meeting (BBM) that is planned to take place in Vilnius, in August 24-27, 2009. This would be great possibility to meet our closest colleagues, share our experience in research methods, present our materials and ideas as well as establish personal professional contacts.

As the meeting venue will be in the new building of Institute of Forensic Medicine, Mykolas Romeris University, the core topic would be “Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology”, however, any topics related to research and studies of ancient and modern human remains are welcomed.
As an organizer, I’ll do my best to make this meeting smooth and as much cost-effective as possible. Limited number of places in the student guesthouse across the street (price less than € 20 per night per person), lunches in the university canteen (less than € 10 per person) will be available. List of other suggested accommodation places will be provided, too.
Planned registration fee is € 50.
If you are interested to take part in this meeting, we would expect your confirmation and proposed topic of presentation till January 31, 2009.
Hope to welcome you in Vilnius, European Capital of Culture of 2009 next August!

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1 kommentar:

LordParzifal sa...

Jag svarade på din i snällhet oöverträffbara kommentar och lade även upp en del II
där du ingår
äras den som äras bör
med ärtor och smör
nä nu får jag sluta innan jag tar fram en luta...

Be well,